Hot summer weather can be devastating to your garden. If you live in a region where the mercury consistently rises above 40 degrees Celsius, it can be almost impossible to keep your plants happy and healthy. The unrelenting heat wreaks havoc on even the hardiest plants, leaving them dehydrated and wilting rapidly before they finally succumb to death.
That being said, there are ways you can help your plants deal with the heat without suffering stress yourselves. For example, watering your plants more frequently is one of the best tips for watering your plants in hot weather. Follow these simple preventions and tricks to make sure your potted friends don’t get sunburned this summer.
Measure how often you water your plant
Before you start watering your plants more frequently, make sure you know how often they need to be watered. Most plants need water every 10-14 days, so measuring how often your plant needs water can help you determine the best time to water them. If your plant is wilting or browning leaves, it’s a sign that it needs more water.
Add compost to the soil
Adding a bit of compost to the soil will help your plants perform better in hot weather. Compost helps retain moisture, which can be crucial when you’re fighting temperature extremes. It also provides nutrients and minerals that plants need. One thing to always remember is that the more water your plant has access to, the easier it will absorb it.
The best way to add compost to your soil is by using newspaper as mulch in the pots underneath the plants. This method is not only cost-effective but easy–just tear up some old newspapers and spread them across the top of your potted garden beds.
Don’t let your plant stay in the same place for long
Don’t leave your plants sitting in the same place for hours at a time. When you spend a lot of time in one spot, it can cause sunburns and decrease the plant’s water intake. To avoid this, keep your potted plants on the move.
Check your plants frequently to see when they need water
One of the best tips for watering your plants in hot weather is to check them often. Not only will this make sure that they don’t get too thirsty and begin to wilt, it will also help you know when you need to water them. If you notice that one plant is wilting before the others, then it is likely time for a drink.
There are many ways you can effectively check your plants. A good option would be to set up a timer on your phone or computer that alerts you when you need to water your plants. There are also popular apps like Plant Nanny, which are great at advising how long each plant needs water and when they should be watered again. It’s important not just to use these techniques but also to monitor them regularly so that if any of the plants start showing signs of stress, you can quickly remedy the situation.
Find out why humidity is important
Have you ever tried to get a plant to drink water? You fill the saucer with water, and then you watch as it soaks it up. The next day, you walk into your living room and notice that the soil is completely dry. What happened? Did your plant die?
The root system of an average plant can only store around 6-8 ml of water. Therefore, if there is no moisture in the air, your plants will be unable to absorb any nutrients.
If your plants are suffering from dehydration because of low humidity levels, try adding a humidifier near them to ensure they don’t overheat even more.
#1: Water More Frequently
During summer heat waves, your plants’ roots will become parched because they are unable to take in moisture from the air around them. To avoid this, make sure you give them a good watering every day or two. Even though watering is one of the best tips for watering your plants in hot weather, be careful not to overdo it! You don’t want too much water for fear that it will cause runoff into your garden beds and eventually saturate the ground underfoot.
Use a humidifier to help keep humidity around 70% consistently
One of the best tips for watering your plants in hot weather is to use a humidifier. Humidity helps to fight off the heat and keep your garden soil cool, which helps to reduce vegetation stress. When you run out of room for a humidifier, it’s time to invest in an evaporative cooler.
Use shade cloth to protect your plants from direct sun exposure
This is a great tip for watering your plants in hot weather because it allows you to enjoy free time without worrying about how much water your plants need. It also protects your plants from the scorching heat, which can burn and damage them before they can fully recover. The best shades are clear, lightweight, and wide enough to wrap around the base of your plant.
Another great way to protect your plants from the sun’s harmful rays is by covering them with a plastic bag. This will not only keep the sun out of their face but also make sure they don’t get too moist or too dry. You can buy reusable bags that are made specifically for this purpose at any home improvement store in most countries.
You can also try using an umbrella as a shade for your plant when it’s not raining outside. Be careful though — if you don’t have an umbrella that hangs low enough, it could cause more harm than good. It would be best to use one of these options when it’s raining and there’s no chance of direct sunlight coming through the sky.
The best advice for watering your plants when the weather gets hot is to keep them well-hydrated and to spray them with water frequently to prevent them from drying out.