Did you know that you can grow phacelia (also known as pigweed) in your garden? Maybe not, but it’s true if you live in southern Australia. If you have a vegetable patch, then maybe you have some pigweed seeds in your home. Well, pigweed seeds are easy to find and they are planted as early as late summer/early autumn or even springtime. Depending on the region, the timing may vary slightly but that’s the general idea. So when is the best time to plant phacelia seeds in Australia?
Planting phacelia seeds doesn’t necessarily mean growing pigweed – it just depends on the variety of the plant! However, for this article, we will focus on how to grow pigweed instead of how not to do so. So here’s everything you need to know about planting phacelia seeds in southern Australia:
When To Plant Pigweed Seeds in Australia
Planting phacelia seeds in Australia can occur anytime during the year, but there are different seasons and optimal timeframes. One of these is springtime. Pigweed seeds can be planted in autumn/fall as well, but they will do best if they’re planted with a frost-free period of at least six weeks. The timing for planting your seed also depends on what type of variety you want to grow. Some varieties need 60 days or more from seeding to flowering whereas other varieties may need as little as 30 days!
How to Plant Phacelia Seeds
in Southern Australia
So what’s the best time to plant phacelia seeds in southern Australia? A good time is when the days are getting longer. The best time for planting depends on where you live and what season it is. If you live in Brisbane, then the best time to plant phacelia seeds is during late autumn or winter. In Adelaide, however, the plants should be planted any time from late spring to early summer. If you have a greenhouse or if you live somewhere that doesn’t get cold at night, then you can start growing them anytime from mid-spring to early summer.
When planting phacelia seeds, there are a few things to remember:
1) You need a warm place – anywhere between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius (50-60 degrees Fahrenheit)
2) Make sure that your pots are deep enough
3) Fill your pot with soil
4) Put some compost into the soil
5) Add some water two or three times before planting the seedling
6) Push your seedling into the centre of the pot and pat down firmly
7) Plant your seedling in a sunny spot
8) Cover with a lid until they are big enough to transplant
How Often Should You Plant Pigweed Seeds?
The most popular time to plant pigweed seeds is in late summer/early autumn. However, this timing can vary depending on the region. For example, if you live in Sydney then you may want to plant your seedlings around February or March – but only if it’s not too cold outside! If it’s not too cold, then planting at a slightly later time might actually be better because the plants will have had more time to grow before winter sets in.
Based on this information, the best time to plant your phacelia seeds would be anywhere between early September and late November/early December.
Phacelia seeds are planted with a thin layer of soil and then covered with mulch. The mulch helps keep the phacelia moist and prevents weed growth underneath. Once you see new shoots (leaves) coming up from the top of the seedling crown, then you know it’s ready for transplanting into your garden bed!
What is the Best Soil for Pigweed Plants?
The best soil for a pigweed plant is deep, moist and acidic. So the main thing to remember when planting your phacelia seeds is that you need to make sure the soil has these three things! Phacelia plants thrive in poor soils and grow best in clay, loam or sandy loam soils with a neutral pH of 6.5-7.5.
If you want to grow phacelia plants but you don’t have a garden, then it’s time to get creative! Simply purchase some potting mix or even just a few bags of sand and use the empty boxes from your household rubbish bin as a base for your potting mix. It’s just as effective and gives you a perfect level of control over the environment you will be growing them in.
What is the Difference Between Phacelia and Pigweeds?
Phacelia is a variety of plant that is commonly grown as an ornamental plant, and it has a range of colors and flowers. As for pigweeds, they are plants which can be found in the wild. They are also known to grow around the edges of fields and in waste land areas where there is plenty of space.
The main difference between phacelia and pigweeds is that the phacelia has beautiful flowers, while the pigweed doesn’t have flowers but rather has large leaves or pods with seeds inside.
Growing Tips for Phacelia from Southern Australia
When you grow phacelia seeds, you need to make sure the soil is rich and moist. You want to avoid planting them in an area that gets too much sun because phacelia needs lots of moisture to thrive. If you want your plants to grow quickly, then plant your seeds on a slight slope so they can get more water. When it comes to spacing, plant four or five seeds per square foot for best results.
Planting time for phacelia is during springtime or fall. It’s thought that if you plant them during the summer months, then you will have a greater chance of getting weed problems from the pigweed flower spikes poking up through the soil. While this may be true, this is mostly because the hot weather has killed off all of the other plants around it. So if it’s not too late in summer yet and you still want to plant phacelia, then go ahead and do so!
Once planted, don’t expect your seedlings to grow right away unless you give them lots of space – six inches between each seedling should be plenty! This will help out with watering and air circulation as well as preventing overcrowding which could lead to insect infestation or disease outbreaks.
Once your seedlings have successfully grown into sturdy plants (again depending on what variety), they need lots of water – especially when in direct sunlight! Make sure that their leaves are covered by dirt so they can handle being submerged
Australian plant lovers are lucky to have so many native and indigenous plants to choose from. But, it can be tricky knowing what to plant and when to plant it. Follow these planting guides to give your plants the best chance of living a long and happy life.