What do you do when it’s hot outside and your plants need some water? You can run to the nearest water spigot, but it may not be safe for your plants in this weather. Even if you have a garden hose that reaches to your yard, chances are you won’t want to get out there too often in this kind of heat. That’s why keeping some botanical blossom watering tips in mind is so important when it comes to keeping your indoor landscapes healthy during hot weather. Hotter weather doesn’t just mean more time indoors; it also means that our plants need more care than they normally would at other times of year. If you’ve got a few spare moments, here’s what you need to know about how to keep your blooms healthy in hot weather:
Plan Ahead
When it comes to summer, plants need a lot of water. But that doesn’t mean you should just throw some hose down for them. You want to be careful about how much water you give your flowers since too much can result in root rot or drown them out completely. If you plan ahead a few days before watering your plants, you’ll keep an eye on their needs and make sure you’re giving them enough water without overdoing it.
Don’t Over-Water
It’s important to remember that hydration is a key factor in the health of your plant. If you’re going to be in your garden often during warm weather, it may be tempting to over-water your plants, but this will cause them to develop root rot and fungus. Don’t forget that while most of us are accustomed to watering our plants on a daily basis during the summertime, you should only need to water your plants every three days or so when it gets really, really hot outside. In addition, don’t forget about the importance of topsoil: if you don’t replace it after watering or watering too often, it will start decomposing and releasing nutrients back into the soil for your plants.
Keep An Eye Out For Signs Of Dryness
The first step is to keep an eye out for signs of dryness. These could be wilting leaves, browning foliage, or a general lack of humidity in the air. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important that you act quickly and water your plants before they suffer from too much heat and dehydration.
Try Using Sweet-Smelling Soil Or Compost
Compost is made from organic materials that have decomposed over time and can be used on plants to help nourish them. Compost is chock-full of nutrients, which means you can use it to water your plants without the risk of harm to your plants. Plus, it has a refreshing smell that spruce up any indoor garden.
Add Some Humidity With A Hand shower
When you’re in a rush and don’t have time to spray your plants with water, you can use a hand shower. All you have to do is run it for several minutes on your prized flowers to add some humidity and moisture back into the sinuses of your plants. It will also make them feel more refreshed and might even help keep their blooms from wilting.
Enjoy Your Bloom While It Lasts
As soon as you get your first hint of the warm weather, it’s time to think about protecting your blossoms and keeping them healthy. In hot weather, it is important to make sure that a plant’s soil remains moist at all times. Make sure you water your plants every day to keep their roots cool and the leaves hydrated. If you don’t want to do this on a daily basis, consider investing in an evaporative cooler. This will help remove heat from the air around your bloom and keep them healthy for longer periods of time. You can also save yourself some time by watering your plants with cold water instead of warm water. Cold water will take longer to reach the root zone than warm water would and could keep your plant from wilting due to too much heat in its root zone.
When it comes to fertilizer, be careful which chemicals you use during this season. It is tempting to order out-of-season products or ones meant for colder temperatures, but these may not be effective when applied in warmer weather and may actually harm your plants instead of helping them grow faster than they normally would. When fertilizing during the summer months, stick with chemical-free organic solutions like liquid seaweed extract or wood ash (you can make it yourself). These natural alternatives are both safe for plants and effective at nourishing them.
Now that it is summer time, it is time to get your flowers in shape.
It is easy to forget about watering your plants in the summer and so many people end up with droopy, brown, and dying flowers because of it. Yet, it is important to water your flowers in order to keep them healthy and beautiful. Plan ahead so you don’t forget.