Termites are insects that feed on wood and cause damage to structures and property. They are mostly found in warm climates and agricultural regions.
Their presence can be a serious problem for those who have termite-prone homes and gardens. Fortunately, identifying the signs of termite infestation and taking the necessary precautions can help prevent them from spreading further.
Signs of Termites: Are They Harming Your Home?
A home that is being invaded by termites might not always have visible signs of the presence of these pests.
But, their presence can also be indicated by certain behaviors of the residents such as a strange smell or an unexplained decline in value of other assets such as cars or furniture. Let us look at some signs that may indicate you have termites in your home or garden…
Termites’ Habitat and Food Source
Termites are found in regions that have warm and moist climates, but they also can survive in colder areas.
They feed on wood, including wooden structures like homes and cars. If your house is constructed with wood, the termites will likely find a way to enter it. The wood they eat can cause extensive damage by leaving behind soot and droppings.
Dark Smell or Foul Odor in the Home
Many termites emit a particularly strong and pungent odor that can be difficult to detect with the nose.
The odor is often emitted as a warning signal to deter other termites from competing for food. If you have this odor in your home, it is an indicator that you are being invaded by termites.
If there is a foul odor in the home, it can also be an indication of a problem with humidity. If you notice the humidifier or dehumidifier has been running for long periods of time, this may indicate that there is an issue with humidity in your home.
Termites feed on wood and will often create tunnels through wooden furniture and structures such as walls, floors, and cabinets. These tunnels are visible on the surface of these structures and are also very easily seen by their tell-tale dark coloration.
Termite Nesting Signs
The most noticeable sign of a termite infestation is the presence of the termites themselves. These insects may be found in the form of adult insects, larvae, or eggs. The presence of these signs is usually accompanied by a specific smell indicative of their digestive alcohol–something that is often compared to apples and almonds.
The most common signs that you have termites are:
- Nests found in wall voids
- Crevices around pipes
- Nests found under floor tiles
- Furring strips without porches
- Gradual deterioration or wear on your property
Droppings and Pheromone Trails
Droppings are one of the most obvious signs that termites may be living in your home. In fact, droppings found in a home can lead to an infestation of these pests. If you find droppings on an exterior wall or on the ground near your property, it is time to call in pest control professionals.
Pheromone trails are another sign that termites could be invading your garden. These trails are left behind by the insects when they move around and will tell you that there are indeed insects in your garden.
Termite Inspections: What You Can Expect
If you have any of the signs mentioned above, it is best if you hire pest control professionals to help identify and remove the problem.
They will use their specialized equipment to inspect your home and garden before determining how many termites there actually are and what types of treatment options would work for them. In addition, they will also help you prevent further infestation and take precautions to keep them out of your home or garden in the future.
They will also provide education on how to manage these pests as well as information on how to prevent this type of damage from happening again.
Shredded Documents and Paper Discs
If you notice any shredded documents and paper discs in your trash or the garden, you should immediately contact a pest control professional. Termites consume wood and paper to survive. They also build nests out of them to live in. This can be an indication that there is a termite infestation.
Termites are known to leave behind certain droppings such as termite feces, which can be an indication of their presence. In addition, they may even make their way into your home through the foundation or walls. If you find any newly broken wooden boards, this is an indication of a possible invasion by these pests.
Termites are one of the most destructive pests in the home. They can cause structural damage to your home, which can be costly to fix.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are a few things you can do to protect your home from termites, including using pesticides and keeping your home clean.
When it comes to your garden, termites are a problem, but they don’t always destroy the plants. There are ways to repel them, so you can keep your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor.