If you’ve seen a movie like Guardians of the Galaxy or read novels like The Martian, you’re probably imagining wandering through an alien landscape where strange and beautiful plants grow everywhere. In this article, we’ll help you get there—and not just because layering our tops with green undershirts is so last season.
These movies have led many people to think that only space explorers know how to grow pea plants in their backyards. If your patch of lawn doesn’t sport succulent cacti or thriving gravel gardens, then you must be growing them from seed. After all, that’s how real science works, right? Well… yes and no. There are some things that only real astronauts know about growing plants in space—but if you happen to live somewhere where it gets really hot during the summertime, then you may already be aware of what we’re about to tell you next: Growing peas outdoors can actually be quite easy for those of us who live in temperate zones.
What are desert peas?
Desert peas are a type of annual, herbaceous plant that is grown for their seeds called “pea pods.” They can be eaten raw or cooked and are typically used in dishes like salads, soups, and stews. The color of the seeds is usually brown.
How to grow desert peas outdoors
For those of us who live in temperate zones, the best option for growing peas is to buy them from a professional garden center. These plants are healthy and well-maintained, which means they’ll grow more quickly and produce more flowers.
If you want to get your hands a little dirty, though, then you can try it yourself. It will take some time and effort on your part to get this process off the ground, but once it’s up and running, you’ll have beautiful flowers blooming on your lawn for months on end.
You can start with any variety of desert pea plant that suits your needs. They are all relatively easy to grow in most areas of the country. If you’re going for a specific color or flower shape, then feel free to check out one of the many varieties available at garden centers before you go shopping at Home Depot or Lowes. You may also want to pick up some seeds from another gardener if you prefer that route—but be sure not to use outdated seeds as they may contain diseases that could carry over into your garden!
Tips for buying desert pea plants
1. Know Your Zone
Unless you’re a true desert dweller, you may be better off buying plants rather than growing them yourself. The plants are specifically designed to thrive in the sun-drenched conditions of the American Southwest and other parts of the world where summertime temperatures push 100 degrees Fahrenheit. They don’t need traditional irrigation systems, so they can flourish in a dry environment, making them ideal for areas with little rainfall or heavy winds.
2. Find a seller that ships live plants
When you buy plants online, it’s critical to find sellers that will ship live plants to your home. If they only sell seeds or bare roots, then you won’t be getting what you want when it comes time to plant them in your yard or garden.
3. Consider climates other than your own
If you’re looking for something specific but don’t know which zone is best for your climate, consider looking for desert pea varieties that have been bred for other climates like Europe or Asia where wintertime temperatures dip below freezing. This ensures that the plants will be able to survive even if your winter weather is especially harsh.
4. Ask about germination rates
It’s important to check out how long it takes from when you order a plant until it arrives at your door—especially if you’re paying by credit card and aren’t sure what kind of guarantee is being given regarding delivery times. You’ll want a seller who makes sure their plants arrive alive and thriving so they can
2. Grow your own from seed
Do you want to keep your plants alive? If so, then you’re going to need to plant some seeds. This can be rather intimidating if you don’t know where to start or what kind of pea seed packets to buy. If you have a green thumb, then this tip is irrelevant for you; if not, read on!
This is the hardest part about growing plants in space. You have to know how to take care of them—which means that your mom or sister may not actually be the best person for this task. It also means that even though many people might recommend getting a packet of pea seeds from a local garden store, this is probably not the best option for most people.
The best option is trying it yourself at home—but where do you get the seeds from? There are lots of places online that sell pea seeds and they’re usually quite cheap. Just make sure that you don’t get any packets with white flowers on them (those are male plants).
3. Buy bare root plants
It may sound like an obvious tip, but you need to buy plants that are sold as bare root plants. These can be planted right in the ground without having to wait for them to become established. As a result, they’re ready to grow once they get water and sunlight.
4. Buy potted plants
If you want to grow pea plants in your backyard, then the best approach is to buy them as potted plants. You can find these at nurseries like Home Depot and Lowe’s, or you can also find them online. Just make sure that whatever you get is a dwarf variety, which will be easier to pack up and care for during the summer months. Dwarf varieties of peas include Sugar Ann, Sugar Pea, and Empress.
4. Buy seeds or start from seed
If you’d rather not have to buy a plant at all, then try starting from seed instead! Seeds are pretty cheap and easy to find online (make sure to get green seeds). Just keep in mind that it might take a few years before your peas finally reach maturity if you’re growing from seed.
5. Planting in containers
If your space is too small for a garden big enough for peas, but too small for a greenhouse either, then try planting them in containers instead! Containers are affordable and easy-to-store items that are perfect alternatives when Mother Nature isn’t cooperating with your dreams of having an amazing garden filled with strange plants and flowers. Planters could look something like this:
6. Plant them where they’ll thrive
You may have noticed by now that we mentioned that gardening indoors can actually be really hard on some plants because they don’t get enough light—that’s why they need sunlight! Keep this
Planting desert pea plants can be a great crop for homesteaders, farmers and gardeners. These plants are easy to find at nurseries and garden centers, but if you’re looking for the best quality and price, it’s best to buy online or through a mail order catalog.